Thursday, September 10, 2009


We’ve had all sorts of exciting dentistry going on lately. I’ll have to try and add a video we have of Kalli getting her first tooth pulled. The dentist said her new one may not come in for about a year, but regardless it was time for this tooth to come out. Her two front teeth were different colors (neither of those colors being white) I guess that’s what happens when you feel your way around using your two front teeth. I used to do the trick where you say okay let’s pull it on three and then you really do it on one, but they’ve gotten wise to that little bit of trickery. So now I just engage in a little harmless conversation and yank it out while they are answering one of my questions. Kalli was pretty excited to get a dollar from the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy really is an amazing person. I don’t think it’s her fairy wings or magic tooth wand that make her special, I think it’s the fact that she can slide a dollar in between a sleeping child’s head and a plastic sheet without waking the child that makes her amazing. In related news, me and Jackie went to the dentist for a cleaning/checkup (or as I like to call it the “I can sure taste a lot of blood in my mouth” visit). I don’t know what those hygienist think teeth are made of but I’m pretty sure that teeth will break if enough pressure is applied. She was pulling so hard with that little metal hook of hers that when she was done I could floss with a tube sock. Normally I don’t brag about my trips to the dentist but for the first time in my life I didn’t have a cavity. We were so happy we went out and celebrated with some toffee.


  1. I wish I could of been the to witness the event. However, the video was great! The tooth fairy is amazing. I never thought of the plastic sheet dilemma. I think I might buy some to start practicing.
    PS: Congrats on NO CAVITIES!! I will send you some chocolate!! Those Dang Hygienist's--got to love them.

  2. Ah, Matt. I sure wish you would post more stories... they always make my day. I, being a Loveridge and thus understanding the crappy genes that created our teeth, would like to fully congratulate you on not having cavities. I have NEVER been to the dentist without them finding cavities - and I brush and floss religiously. My hat goes off to you.
