Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Money = Evil

I hate money. I understand the necessity of it if, and I want my family to have a house and food, but aside from that I’m not really crazy about the whole money concept; It just complicates everything.

I sometimes wish we lived in settler times, when you could go pick out a piece of land, and raise sugar beets with your family, and helped raise barns with your neighbors. I’m not sure what’s all involved with raising sugar beets, but I’m pretty sure it would be a lot more exciting than sitting in a cubicle looking at lines on a screen, and besides that I know Jackie would look smokin’ in a bonnet and pioneer dress.

Maybe it’s not all about the money, it just seems that everybody is so self absorbed (except for my family), and so concerned with how much money they are making (my family excluded), and so untrusting of everybody else (outside of my relatives of course).

I guess I’m just whining because I’m tired of bills, and payments and working just so I can get a paycheck. I’m not complaining about work in general. I love to feel like I’ve worked hard and accomplished something at the end of the day. I’m just impatiently looking forward to the day when I’ll be able to do what I love doing, and getting paid for it will be secondary.

And I’m waiting for that day when Jackie will where that bonnet.


  1. Well spoken. And it's nice to finally understand your love for Little House on the Prairie... the sexy pioneer women!

  2. See i really do love you guys! Check my blog your on it! I did it first thing when i got home. Oh my gosh you just crack me up Matt! I love the dentist story and the Money=evil. You just know how to put things so well! I was truly laughing out loud! I can't wait to see Jackie in the Bonnet either! Ha Ha! Have a good one! love you guys!
