Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Running on Empty

I recently finished my first 1/2 marathon! I know what you're thinking  " Matt's built to run long distance about as well as one legged penguin", never the less I promise I did it. I even have the medal to prove it. I ran with Amy (my sister), Caroline (my like-a-sister) and Ashley (new running friend). It was good to have friends to train and run with. I don't know if I would have done it on my own.

When thinking about the run it's hard to use words like "fun" or "enjoyable", but I am glad that I did it. It feels good to set a goal and then work towards completing them. Although I imagine it's a lot like childbirth in the sense that the thought of running another one immediately after I'd finished made me a little nauseous and angry, but now that I've had time for my body to re-coop and forget some of the pain, I would totally do it again.

I went ahead and made a " family friendly" version of some of the thoughts that went through my head as I was running, so that everyone can get a feel for what it was like.

Boy, this is going to be fun!
I'm actually excited to do this.
I hope I have enough glow sticks on.
I wonder how fast I can run this in?

Mile 1
This isn't too bad.
This is fun running at night.
I'm glad Amy's running this with me,
Maybe we'll be able to motivate each other.

Mile 2
I think I'm slowing Amy down.
At least we haven't been passed yet.
I just need to get to mile 3 and it's all downhill.
I can't believe we haven't reached mile 3 yet.

Mile 3
I should be able to keep up with Amy on this downhill.
I wonder how far ahead of Caroline and Ashley we are?
These glow sticks are kind of annoying.

Mile 4
Hey there's Caroline and Ashley .
I wonder how long we can stay ahead of them.
There goes Caroline and Ashley.
I wonder if I'll get in trouble if I drop my glow sticks in the road.

Mile 5
Oh good, Amy needs to use the bathroom.
Maybe I can get far enough ahead that we can keep running together for a while.
There's a family watching the run. I'll just drop my glow sticks here. I'm sure the kids will pick them up.
Why do my shorts keep twisting?

Mile 6
Wow! Amy caught up to me fast.
Oh good, finally some hills to run down.
I wonder how many people will see me if I trip running down this hill?
I don't think I like running down the hills.

Mile 7
There goes Amy, I hope she gets a good time.
Is that a blister on my foot?
Why do my shorts keep twisting?
I wonder if I'm half way yet?

Mile 8
I think I'll play some music.
I wonder if my music is bothering anyone?
Why is this girl talking to me?
Can't she see that I can barely speak?
That blister feels huge!

Mile 9
Hey look I can see the moon.
There's nobody around me.
This is kind of nice.
I wonder if I'm still on the course?

Mile 10
That's nice of these people to come out and direct us where to go.
Why  am I running towards the mountains?
I feel kind of hungry.
My knee hurts.
I swear I've passed that guy 3 times.

Mile 11
Did that sign say mile 11 or mile 12 . . . crap.
I don't even want to look at this blister when I get done.
These people are really starting to bother me.
I wonder if the girls are done running yet?

Mile 12
Boy there's a lot of people walking.
Who's calling me?
They probably think I'm dead.
That must mean the girls are done.
Why do my shorts keep twisting?
My knee hurts!

Mile 13
Last mile I can do it!
Look, I'm passing people.
Are they calling me again?
Look there's Cam, I must be close, look how easily he runs.
I'm going to sprint across the finish, . . . . or maybe I should just finish.

I can't believe I did it!
I feel dizzy.
Did they say there was pizza somewhere?
I hope I don't regret eating this pizza.

(I did regret eating the pizza)

 Amy, Me (Bret Michaels impersonation), Caroline, Ashley