Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Round is a shape

The holidays are getting close, and every year I tell myself that I’m going to restrain from eating too much. I’ve told myself this for the last 10 years. I’ve also consistently gained weight each year. So this year I’m taking more of a pro active stance. I’m planning on doing the P90X thing starting in January, so until that time I’m going to try to drop some weight so I don’t have a heart attack when I start it.
Since I really want to take it serious this time I thought it would be “fun” to take the before photo’s to compare with the end photo’s. “Fun” probably wasn’t the right word to use, “emotionally debilitating” is probably more accurate. I wanted the pictures to be as accurate as possible so I was trying to let my stomach out without sucking in at all. It was harder than I thought. It goes against everything I’ve ever taught my body. Just like a rollie pollie curls up when you poke it, my stomach automatically sucks in when my shirt comes off, I think it’s some kind of survival instinct. Eventually I coaxed my stomach out of hiding, and all I can say is that the results were magnificently horrifying. I looked like I was in my third trimester, and had better get busy picking a name.
When I looked at the picture that’s all the motivation I needed to scare me straight. So I won’t be posting any before pictures, but here is a close second.

(here's a nice profile view that's pretty close)
As a side note after I was done I deleted the picture, smashed the camera with a rock, lit it on fire and threw it into Utah Lake. . . . . that will teach it not to take any more scary pictures.


  1. lol! You are a nerd! I have done the leg workout of p90x. It was good!! You are too hard on yourself. Best of luck though. I know I haven't seen you for a few months but I am pretty sure the picture doesn't come close.

  2. Matt,
    Ohhhh you make me laugh! So how long did Jackie have to talk to you to bring you "back from the ledge"? You aren't even big, well you are tall, but you look great. I know you posted this just you could have people tell you how good you look, cause you are the type of person that can totaly take compliments.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!WOOOO! Where do you come up with this stuff?! The rolly polly comparison is hilariously perfect. I am proud of you for taking that before picture - I couldn't even work up the courage to do such a thing... I didn't want to take ANY chance that it would get into the wrong hands. Plus I don't think my self esteem could have handled it.
