Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brynn & Owen

It's been two months since Jackie had the twins, I would have posted sooner but honestly who has time anymore.  It's funny when we first told people that we were going to have twins, quite a few people made the comment " I always wanted to have twins". At the time I could understand that, twins just seem like they would be fun. Now that we have them here my perspective has changed. Now when I hear people say " I always wanted to have twins" all I hear in my head is them saying "I love the sound of crying babies and I hate to sleep". 

Luckily things are much better, than the first week, which I honestly don't remember much. All I do remember is that I was sure not to put my head on my pillow, because that would upset the babies and then they would start crying again. Now we only have to get up about once a night and we've got a pretty good system of changing the diaper, feeding, burping, wrapping, and passing out.

Me and Jackie were talking the other day about how glad we are that we had the twins last now that we have a little experience.  We're glad because now we are a lot less uptight.  With our first few kids you would jump up at any little noise and try to sooth them, or want to hold them all night long, but we're kind of over that. Don't get me wrong I still love them and I love holding them, but it's amazing all the things you can get done when your not holding a baby (like napping, and eating brownie batter).

Here is one of the pictures we took of Owen & Brynn. If you ever want to test your patience I would suggest having a photo shoot for one month old twins. After 8 hours, 3 arguments, 5 disagreements, 17 bowel movements, 31 peeing incidents, a fifth of vodka (to steady my nerves),12 costume changes, 8 backdrops, and 765 pictures taken we ended up with about 6 usable pictures. I'll try to post the other 5 pictures after I can pass them through photoshop.

Owen & Brynn

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