Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kades still pretty funny

I feel like Kade gets a lot of face time on this blog, but he's just at that age where he's trying to figure things out, and he's pretty goofy on top of that, so he has a lot of "moments".

When he's not whining for a treat he's usually giggling, which is really cute for the most part, unless you're trying to be serious. (Now I know how Jackie feels when she's trying to get me to have a grown-up conversation).

1. Kade has learned the symbols for men's room, and women's room. The other day we were going into a family restroom, that has both symbols. He impressed me by telling me that boys, and girls can both go pee in this bathroom. I confirmed that they could. Then he said "but dogs and cats can't pee in here, they just pee on the grass".

2. I had my hands full and asked kade to open the garage door for me. I said thank you, and told him what a good helper he was. He asked me "Am I the best"?
So I said  "yeah, your the best".
Then he said "but I'm not always the best, like at night when I cry. Then I'm kind of a baby". Yeah it's good when your four year old has figured out that they have room for improvement.

3. Kade went to Crew's birthday party, where he got a bow tie. He wouldn't take the bow tie off for the rest of the day. When we were getting ready for bed he walked out of his room to tell me good night, and this was his outfit.

 4. We've put a video of Kade's sweet moves on here before, but here's a new one. We were shopping for a dress which is always exciting. So to pass the time me, Kade and Lindsay spent the whole  shopping trip in front of the fun house mirror playing around.

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