Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why does Tigger Stink?

I agree with my wife in the sense that I don’t really like the idea of using a blog as a self brag forum, but I do like both of my sisters approach of using it to keep track of funny, cute, special things my kids do or say. So, although it won’t be very often I did want to keep track of some of these moments for myself.

I think that kids are hilarious. Occasionally they are trying to be funny and succeed, but for the most part I think they are funniest when they are not trying. Today my second child, Kalli, started telling me a joke while I was home for lunch. She said “Dad, why does Tigger smell bad?” Having heard this joke before, I tried to act like this was new material. Then she said” because he eats poo!” Personally I think that her punch line was far better than the original, and showed a lot more creativity. After I stopped laughing and told her the correct version of the joke (to avoid her telling anyone else about Tigger eating poo.) She decided to give me a disclaimer that it’s not good to eat poo, because it’s unhealthy. I have no doubt that with her new found knowledge, she will go far as a dental hygienist. She really is a sweetheart, and I think that joke made the second half of work a little more bearable.


  1. Kalli cracks me up! It's funny to me how kids are obsessed with 'potty humor'. Whenever Isaac is trying to be funny, he just throws 'poop' in a sentence, and we have a hilarious joke.

    FYI: You should really update this blog more often... your kids give you plenty of material.

  2. Yeah, I know. I'm going to try and do better.

  3. Aren't the stories more funny when you actually know the kids' personalities? Can we put in requests for stories to be told? I vote in Lindsay telling you about Carla and Amy's fight...classic! You have some cute kids! By the way, I'll get that background changed just for you to a good beige color, MOM.

  4. Matt - I'm so impressed that a 'dad' would take time to post pictures and 'funnies' about his children. WAY TO GO!! Brent and I still haven't made the big step to blogging yet. Evige keeps after me though. Your children are darling. Love you guys. Aunt Cindy:)
