When you graduate from High School and look into the wide open future most of us have certain plans, and goals, and aspirations. If I followed the aptitude test I took in Junior High then I would have started looking for a glass blowing plant to start my apprenticeship (but that's a story for another time). No, when I was in High school, I had different dreams; I would play college football; become an architect; and raise my 8 children in my log cabin with my high school sweetheart. Life took me on a different track and luckily only the most important thing on that list came true. I have been slowly compiling a mental list of things that I have done that I never would have believed if I had told my 18 year old self. Here they are in no particular order.
#1. Lose a loved one to cancer. My younger self never thought about those kind of things. People just lived until they were 80 and then died. My dad was the last person that I ever expected it to happen to. Thankfully most of my memories of him continue to be when he was stronger and more full of life. I miss him greatly and wish my kids could have met him in this life. They would have loved him.
#2. Run in and complete a full marathon. I know there are a lot of people who have done this very thing, or something more amazing, but it's something I'm very proud of. I didn't break any records and I thought I might die several times, but I did it. And as corny as it sounds it really opened me up to the idea that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
#3. Hold somebody else's poop in my hand. Gross, right. I hate to be so graphic but it's definitely not something I ever thought I'd do when I was 18. I'd like to be able to tease just one of my kids as the culprit, however I am sad to say that this has happened in one form or another with pretty much all of them. This is the type of stuff they should be sharing in sex education classes if they want to cut down on teen pregnancies.
#4. Replace a water pump. That one probably isn't a big deal to all those mechanically inclined people who were replacing their transmissions while they were in jr. high. But I was not that person. I didn't even know a vehicle had a water pump in high school. Since then I have had a bit of education and am proud to say that I've replaced starters, plugs, hoses, belts, and a couple things I can't remember the names of.
#5. Have my poetry published. I'll be honest I hated the poetry section in high school English. The only poetry I recited were inappropriate limericks about people from Nantucket. Now a days I think it's pretty fun to rhyme things out. And I've learned that all kinds of poems can be inappropriate, not just limericks.
#6. Draw for a living. I've always loved to draw, but never anticipated doing it as work. even though I still have to keep my day job of drafting (straight line drawing) I'm slowly getting closer and closer to being a full time illustrator. I look forward to that day.
#7. Paint my daughters toenails. In trying to save some money my wife and two oldest daughters asked me to paint designs on their toenails. I guess when you're an artist people assume you can paint anything, and I guess when you're a dad there is no longer any need to act macho.
#8. Dye my wives hair for her. The scenario was that she was 9 months pregnant and had lost a bit of flexibility due to a pair of fetuses jockeying for position. She asked me to help out, and seeing as how I felt partially responsible for her predicament I agreed.
#9. Have twins. I only new one set of twins growing up and I always thought that they had some sort of magical properties like unicorns, or ligers. After I got married I secretly wanted twins really bad. I just never thought we would have them. Now that we have them I see them for what they really are, twice as smelly, twice as loud, and twice as magical.
#10. Lose the ability to dance. This probably comes as a shock to anyone who saw me in my prime. I had rhythm and great moves, unfortunately I think my kids stole it all from me. When I used to dance it was like "Check out Matt! Now when I dance it's more like "Dad's been drinking"