When I was young I had many satisfying and fulfilling jobs. Some of the more exciting jobs were; ditch digger for a plumber, chocolate factory worker, ski lift operator, Mountain Maintenance worker, Lumber Mill employee, and Siding Installer. My current jobs are a Civil Engineering Drafter (yawn), and Children's book Illustrator.
As an artist I can be fairly self centered, I like to go check occasionally and see if any of the books I've worked on are published yet, or if anyone has anything positive to say in the reviews. I admit that's a bit shallow and needy of me to look to random faceless praise from the internet, but the other day I found something way better than anything I had hoped for. When I searched my name on Google books, I came up as a character in a book! Oh but wait, there's more. I'm not just a character in any old book, as far as I can tell I'm the main love interest in a 1991 Romance Novel from Harlequin Press called "Filigree of Fancy".
Apparently in the book Matt is an arrogant, debonair, successful business man with green eyes. The similarities are spooky. My name is Matt, I have green eyes, I've been told I can be arrogant, I think I know what debonair means, I'm a successful . . . well 4 out 5 isn't bad.
I tried desperately to find a sample page to see what my character might say, but this was all I could find:
"Matt Loveridge's green eyes gave him a watchful look, and Trasi was unreasonably excited as they went over her. Sizing him up immediately, she decided that he was cynical, often distrustful and watchful. He looked like a man who would . . ."
Wow! What a cliff hanger. I mean I was only 14 back when this was written, but I have always been very mature for my age. I can totally see why Trasi thought I was cynical. I get that a lot. The sample ended so abruptly it made me wonder what other things Trasi might be thinking of this very mature 14 year old Matt, (so I finished the paragraph).
"Matt Loveridge's green eyes gave him a watchful look, and Trasi was unreasonably excited as they went over her. Sizing him up immediately, she decided that he was cynical, often distrustful and watchful. He looked like a man who would eat five Sloppy Joes in one sitting without stopping to breathe. Though he was still young, Trasi knew that if he ever grew into his ears or front teeth, he would easily be 7 feet tall. This was a young man she could waste a whole Saturday with, doing nothing but watching cartoons."
I'm pretty sure that 50 shades of gray is a total knock off of this book, but I'm not a debonair successful businessman so I'm not spending the $4.99 at amazon to find out. If anyone does read this book let me know how it ends.