I feel like one of the advantages to having these twins a little later in our life is that now we have our older kids to experience it with and enjoy the fun. It's important to remember to have some fun every once in a while. If you don't then I'm pretty sure it's more a case of "when" you'll crack rather than "if" you'll crack. One way I like to unwind is to mess with Jackie and the kids. An oldie but goodie that I like to do with Jackie, is wait until she puts a baby on the couch and surround them with pillows to keep them from falling off while she runs to grab their diaper. I wait until she's gone and I carefully move the baby onto the ground then wait and see how fast all the color drains from her face when she comes back in the room. Now that every mom reading this hates me, you should know that I've quit doing that one because Jackie threatened me physically, and I don't want be the boy who cried wolf , just in case they do fall off something for real.
I do think the kids get the worst of of the pranks. Case in point, when we were in the NICU with the babies they had these huge syringes that they would feed them with. When I saw those syringes naturally I had the same thought that any dad would have, "That thing would scare the crap out of my kids!" so I borrowed one of the humongous syringes from the hospital,
filled it with apple juice, threw a huge needle on it and told the kids a story.
I told them that Grandma Shoell had called and told us that all the local pools
had tested positive for kryptospiritum (sp) and that if they wanted to be
around the babies they would need a Gamu-globulin (sp) shot. How they reacted at the
sight of needle said a lot about how each of our kids handle pressure. Lindsay
immediately broke into tears; Kade looked frantic and started crying; Kalli
impressed me the most, she kept quiet, made herself look smaller, and located
the nearest exit. Me and Jackie couldn't keep a straight face for long, and
eventually the kids were able to laugh about it. I like to think that by the time they are grown, our kids will have built more character than any of their friends.
Kalli's really getting into the role. |
Kade still needs to work on his acting a bit. |